学成语 知中国
{{$t('开课平台')}}: 中国大学MOOC

3477 {{$t('次点击')}}
一语凝缩沿千年,汉语成语是中国社会变迁的活化石,是汉民族的集体记忆符号,一个成语,就是一把识解中国社会的钥匙。《学成语 知中国》是一门适合对中国文化感兴趣的留学生语言文化类本科课程,也适合高校非中文专业的本科生和热爱中国传统文化的社会公众。本课程以成语教学为领,以社会生活的不同领域为纲,精选那些能够深度反映中国文化特质、人民精神面貌、祖先优良传统的成语作为教学素材,在精讲成语用法的同时深度剖析其文化内涵。本课程突破以”讲为主”的传统课堂模式,以留学生的实际应用场景展示成语的用法与内涵,将多元文化的视角带入课堂,集趣味性、知识性和实用性于一体。《学汉语 知中国》是一个语言进阶的收获之旅,更是一个深度了解中国的探寻之旅!An Overview of this courseThe wisdom of Chinese idioms has accumulated and condensed along thousands of years. It is a living fossil recording the changes of Chinese society, and a symbol of the collective memory of the Han nationality. An idiom, is a key to know and understand Chinese society.Our course, Xue chengyu, zhi zhongguo(Learning Chinese idioms and knowing China) is not only fit for overseas undergraduates majored and interested in Chinese language and culture, but also suitable for those students from other majors as well as the public who are always fond of Chinese traditional culture. Our course will take the teaching of idioms as the guide and make the different fields of social life as its outline. As for the teaching materials of this course, we have selected the idioms which could deeply reflect the characteristics of Chinese culture , the peoples spiritual appearance, and our ancestors’fine traditions. Furthermore, we will analyze the cultural connotation in depth and idiom usages at the same time.This course is a breakthrough to the traditional class-teaching mode of teachers’lecture matters most at class, displaying the usage and connotation of idioms with the practical situations of overseas students, and bringing the multicultural perspective into the classroom. It’s entertaining, intellectual and practical. learn Chinese know China will be a language-advancing harvest experience, but also a exploration journey for you to understand China thoroughly.
  • {{evaluationTatal[`star${6 - n}`]}}%
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{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('PC端')}}): {{visiteData.PC}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayPC}})
{{$t('访问量')}}({{$t('移动端')}}): {{visiteData.mobile}}  ({{$t('今日访问')}}{{visiteData.todayMobile}})

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